ProgramsEDIA Awards NominationCareers

Nominate a deserving mentee, mentor or employer to receive the UBC's Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility Award of Excellence.

Nomination form may be submitted by:

  1. Electronically via the form below.
  2. Email to
  3. Call or text 709-571-4741 to set up a time to submit nomination verbally via phone.

Deadline for submissions is May 31st, 2025.

Nominate today

    Complete this section if you are nominating an Individual:

    Select the category of the person you are nominating:

    Complete this section if you are nominating an Employer:

    1. Please describe the diversity, equity and/or inclusion activities demonstrated by the Nominee that makes them deserving of this award:

    2. Describe how the Nominee has gone above and beyond their normal work duties to become educated, or to educate others on the importance of diversity and inclusion practices within the construction industry (max 500 words)

    3. Describe how the Nominee’s activities have promoted a work environment that is welcoming, supportive and nurturing of cultural, ethnic, racial, class, gender, sexual orientation, language and other human differences (max 500 words)

    4. Is there anything else you would like to share to demonstrate how the Nominee is exceptional and deserving of the UBC EDIA award of Excellence?

    Do you have any supporting materials to submit?

    Upload Supporting Documents (PDF, Word, Audio, Video, or Image files, up to 1 MB each):