UBC Programs & InititativesDiversity & Inclusion in Apprenticeship

Diversity & Inclusion in Apprenticeship

Project Overview

The Canadian District recognizes that the demographics of the UBC and industry is changing at a rapid pace. UBC Recruitment and retention practices must keep up with the changes we see in industry and address the barriers that limit outcomes for apprentices from equity-deserving groups.

Our ObjectivesObjectives

The mandate of this project aims to address the challenges and barriers our members face and to ensure our work culture is equitable and inclusive where all workers can learn, grow, and advance within their careers. We aim to accomplish this through the program’s 3 objectives.
1. Create a National Standard for Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility (EDIA) in apprenticeship to guide curriculum development and program delivery and to ensure an equitable and inclusive UBC workforce, with increased employment and retention of equity-deserving groups.
2. Develop and implement a National Mentorship program for the crafts of the UBC, with an emphasis on improving equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility in the construction industry.
3. Develop a National Recognition Program to recognize and champion excellence demonstrated by Journeyperson, Apprentices, and Employers towards improving the workplace culture to be inclusive and equitable.
Objective #1


Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Accessibility has never been measured in the construction industry.  In order to measure performance, there must be standards and guidelines to measure by. Standards are a large part of what we do as an organization as everything we do has to comply with a certain code or standard. The same premise needs to be applied when it comes to apprenticeship, mentorship, leadership development, and all aspects of the apprenticeship process. Establishing set guidelines will enhance the quality and consistency of our apprenticeship programs nationwide, as well as guide the construction industry on how to ensure an inclusive and equitable workplace culture for all workers.


The UBC partnered with the CSA Group for the development of a new national standard, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in Apprenticeship, CSA Z301.  A National Technical Committee was been established to lead the development process which was comprised of a broad representation of apprenticeship stakeholders across Canada including unions, employers, training providers, community organizations, regulatory authorities, apprentices, journeypersons, and community organizations representing equity-deserving groups.  The standard was released in April, 2024.

The new EDIA in Apprenticeship standard is a valuable tool for all stakeholders of apprenticeship as it provides guidance on how to facilitate and support EDIA at all levels of apprenticeship such as in pre-apprenticeship, block training, union membership, apprenticeship registration, job dispatch, mentorship, and career development.

Objective #2

National Mentorship ProgramMentorship

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The Program

is designed to help each other grow professionally and personally, developing new skills, knowledge, and capabilities. and to develop an understanding and appreciation of equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility (EDIA) within our workplace culture.

As a Mentee

you’re eager to learn and excel your trade. In mentorship, you’ll team up with a journeyperson—an experienced professional with lots of knowledge and experience. Mentorship provides guidance and helps navigate the complexities of the construction industry and develop new skills.  Your mentor can offer insights into the trade, share tips and tricks on how to successfully complete apprenticeship, gain more experience within and beyond the scope of your trade, and provide support for your ideas and goals.

As a Mentor

you can share your skills with the next generation while learning from them along the way. Mentorship can provide an opportunity to lead, inspire, give back and make a real impact on the future of the industry. It can help you become a better leader, improve your communication, discover new skills and passions, and build valuable professional relationships.

Ultimately, the goal of mentorship is to create a positive, supportive relationship that benefits both the mentor and the mentee and helps both individuals achieve success in their work and life.

Who Should Attend:

  • Apprentices and Journeypeople looking to enhance their mentoring skills.
  • Apprentices and Journeypeople interested in becoming effective mentors and mentees.
  • All members interested in supporting mentorship and EDIA in apprenticeship.


The UBC national mentorship training program is comprised of a combination of online learning modules, followed by an in-person practical workshop for both mentors and mentees.  Mentors and mentees must complete three (3) online modules as a pre-requisite to the practical workshop.  These modules include:

Mentorship Introduction and Core Skills

This course sets individuals up for successful mentoring. They will discover key skills for mentors and mentees, plus gain practical tips to enhance their mentoring journey.

Equity, Diversity, Inclusion & Accessibility

Designed specifically for mentors and mentees to help them better understand equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility when it comes to the workplace.

Becoming a

Designed to help mentees secure the right mentor and provides tips on how to strengthen their relationship, communicate their needs clearly, and invest effort for a successful mentorship.

Becoming a

Designed for mentors to help get started with their mentoring journey at UBC, covering a broad range of topics such as the qualities of a great mentor and how to navigate these relationships..

Upon completion of the three online modules, participants must register with their local training provider to attend the 1-day practical workshop.  This workshop is designed for both mentors and mentees to enhance your core mentoring skills and improve understanding of selected EDIA concepts critical for today’s workplace. The interactive learning experience includes group discussions and exercises, allowing participants to connect with apprentices and journeypeople to share experiences, develop practical skills, and enhance career success.

To register for the online training modules, visit the Carpenters.org member portal at the button below.

Once all mentorship training has been completed, members must register for the 6-month program to become paired with a Mentor / Mentee.

Upon completing this registration, you will be contacted by a Regional Project Coordinator for the next steps in becoming matched with a Mentor / Mentee and begin your mentorship journey.

Objective #3

UBC Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility Award of ExcellenceRecognition

Honoring UBC Members and Employers who demonstrate exceptional commitment to:

is fairness and justice, ensuring barriers are removed so everyone has what they need to succeed, recognizing that different people may require different supports to achieve equitable outcomes.


is the range of visible and non-visible qualities, experiences, and identities that shape who we are, how we think, and how we engage with and are perceived by the world. These can be along the dimensions of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical or mental disabilities, religious/spiritual beliefs, or political ideologies. They can also include differences such as personality, style, capabilities, thoughts and perspectives.


is recognizing, welcoming and making space for diversity. An inclusive organization capitalizes on the diversity of ideas, experiences, skills and talents of all employees.


is when environments are inclusive and accommodating for individuals of all abilities and promote the psychological well-being, comfort, and inclusivity for all workers.


The EDIA Award of Excellence will be awarded annually to deserving candidates from each of the five (5) UBC Regional Councils within the Canadian District.

Before making a nomination, please be sure to read the Eligibility Criteria at the button below.

Nominate a UBC member and/or Employer who you feel deserves to be recognized for their outstanding efforts towards making our environment equitable and inclusive for all workers. You may nominate a maximum of 1 person for each of the following categories:

  • Mentee
  • Mentor
  • Employer
  • Demonstrates extraordinary efforts to raise awareness and consciousness about equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility in the community, workplace, and/or Local union;
  • Goes beyond their general work duties to actively promote a work environment that is welcoming, supportive and nurturing of cultural, ethnic, racial, class, gender, sexual orientation, language and other human differences;
  • Goes beyond their general work duties to support and motivate others through peer-to-peer mentoring to overcome barriers and challenges relating to equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility in the workplace.
  • Demonstrates extraordinary efforts to raise awareness and consciousness about equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility in the community, workplace, and/or Local union;
  • Goes beyond their general work duties to actively promote a work environment that is welcoming, supportive and nurturing of cultural, ethnic, racial, class, gender, sexual orientation, language and other human differences;
  • Goes beyond their general work duties to mentor and support others to overcome barriers and challenges relating to equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility in the workplace.
  • Demonstrates exceptional leadership and extraordinary efforts to ensure equity-deserving groups are accessing and succeeding in the skilled trades;
  • Promotes and fosters diversity programs such as mentoring, support networks, diversity training, or other opportunities that aim to improve diversity and inclusion in their workplace and among leadership;
  • Establishes an environment that recognizes and encourages the effective use of each individual’s talents and other contributions to the cause of diversity.
  • Demonstrates a corporate commitment whereby equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility are part of the strategic plan and/or business plan, including a broader approach that includes suppliers and sub-contractors
  • Provides equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility training for management and leadership
  • Demonstrates a diverse workforce at all company levels
  • Makes a targeted effort to attract and retain employees from diverse populations
  • Provides flexible work arrangements or creative benefits designed to meet the needs of diverse employees
  • Demonstrates collaboration or partnerships with equity seeking organizations
  • Fosters Mentor-Mentee relationships
  • Provides business leader shadowing to support mentorship and career advancement

Please direct any questions to awards@ubcja.ca
